To send a mail through a canvas app, you can use the connector Office365Outlook and function SendEmailV2().
Using this feature to send an email with some text and a fancy image is not necessarily challenging. What I do like to discuss is sending collections in tables.
Data model
In the following example, we are going to talk about questions that candidates can answer. Each answer has a question and an answer. Kiss 🙂
So when we can use our fancy Canvas App to collect data (store users with answers) we want to send all answers from 1 specific user. To do this we are first going to create a collection of all the answers of the selected user.
Now that we have a collection of our responses we can start using them to mail. There are several ways to do this. I am going to discuss some that may be useful.
UserId = galCandidates.Selected.ID
) As Answers,
"Question: " & Answers.Question & "
Answer: " & Answers.Answer & "
Now we are going to concatenate our collection with the appropriate html tags, this will make each answer a list item.
"Overview answers" & galCandidates.Selected.Name,
"Dear colleague,
" &
"Here you will find a summary of the answers from the requested user.
" &
// Answers
" & Char(10) &
"" &
Concat(colAnswerSelectedCandidate, "- " & Value,"
") & Char(10) & Char(10) &
This gives the following result:
"Overview answers" & galCandidates.Selected.Name,
"Dear colleague,
" &
"Here you will find a summary of the answers from the requested user.
" &
// Answers
" & Char(10) &
"" &
Concat(colAnswerSelectedCandidate, " " & Value," ") & Char(10) & Char(10) &
This gives the following result: